Sunday, January 3, 2016

Annotation processing during compilation time: Generating source code

Annotation processor is able to generate additional files including new Java source file during annotation processing at compile time. Moreover, this newly generated Java source file will also get compiled in the same compilation unit.

This post shows you a working example of annotation processor which able to create a new POJO class for the class field that annotated with @Pojo annotation without a programmer has to write this class explicitly. This post focuses on source code implementation. For projects structure and how to register an annotation processor, please refer to my other post, Annotation Processing: Register Annotation Processor.

Annotation Type:

Firstly, we need a project that contains the custom annotation type as below:

@Target(ElementType.FIELD) // Target to field element only
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) // Source level retention policy
public @interface Pojo {
     * The types of the fields in this POJO class. 
     * Each type has a corresponding name specified in 'fieldNames' attribute.
    Class[] fieldTypes() default {};
     * The names of the fields in this POJO class. 
     * Each name has a corresponding type specified in 'fieldTypes' attribute.
    String[] fieldNames() default {};

The @Pojo annotation with the Pojo annotation type above has the following characteristics:
  • It can only be applied to the field declaration in a class. Applying it on to other declaration will get a compilation error. "annotation type not applicable to this kind of declaration"
  • It compiles the source code level retention policy. This means that the @Pojo annotation (which applied in the application source code) information will be discarded after the source code compilation. Well, this retention policy is all we need for the source code generation example in this post.
  • It has 2 annotation attributes. The fieldTypes is expecting an array of Class elements; the fieldNames is expecting an array of String elements. Both elements at the same element index are information mandatory for constructing a field in the to be created POJO class. Therefore, both array size must be the same and String element value must not be an empty string.


This is the class in another project where we apply the @Pojo annotation.

package com.hauchee.application; // PackageElement

import com.hauchee.annotation.Pojo;

public class Application { // TypeElement
    private String id; // VariableElement
    @Pojo( // AnnotationMirror
        // ExecutableElement:AnnotationValue pairs    
        fieldNames = {"name", "price"}, 
        fieldTypes = {String.class, Double.class}
    private Game game; // VariableElement

    public Application(String id, Game game) { // ExecutableElement = id; = game;

    public String getId() { // ExecutableElement
        return id;

    public Game getGame() { // ExecutableElement
        return game;

When the annotation processing takes place, the annotation processor sees the Application source above as an element tree below:

By the way, the Game class of the game field does not exist. By applying the @Pojo annotation with the field information, this allows annotation processor to generate the POJO class for Game.

Annotation Processor

Now is the time to implement the annotation processor to process the field that annotated with @Pojo annotation. Let's start with the skeleton as below:

Annotation processor skeleton:

public class PojoProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {

    private Elements elementsUtil;
    private Filer filer;
    private Messager messager;
    public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
        elementsUtil = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
        filer = processingEnv.getFiler();
        messager = processingEnv.getMessager();

    public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
            RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
        // Continue to get the involved elements. Refer to next section.
        return true;

    private void error(VariableElement varElement,AnnotationMirror annotationMirror,
            String message) {
        messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message, varElement, annotationMirror);

We create a new annotation processor named PojoProcessor by extending the javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor. This new annotation processor has to be registered as a service so that it is recognizable by the Annotation Processing Tool (APT). This can be done in a conventional way but in this example, I make use of Google auto-service @AutoService which make the registration much easier. For more detail, please read the Annotation Processing: Register Annotation Processor.

Once the annotation processor is registered successfully, it is initialized (where its init() method is called) by the APT and stay in standby mode during compilation time. In this example, the init() method is overridden in order to collect all necessary utility classes.
  • Elements: An utility class for operating on elements. In this example, we use this class to retrieve the element that we want.
  • Filer: The filer is used to create new source, class, or auxiliary files. In this example, we use filer to generate new Java source files.
  • Messager: The messager is used to report errors, warnings, and other notices. In this example, we use messager (in the error() method) to report validation errors. This will then provide hints to the IDE to react on those errors. For more detial, please read the Annotation Processing: Error Handling
  • Types: An utility class for operating on types. Not use in this example
When the PojoProcessor start processing? In another words, when its process() method is executed? At compile time, if the APT scanned and detected the @Pojo annotation used in a class (in this case, the Application field), it will invoke the process() method of the PojoProcessor which has declared itself to support the Pojo annotation type in @SupportedAnnotationType.

Getting the involved elements

Coming up the implementation in process() method shows how to retrieve the highlighted elements below. Those are elements required in this example for error reporting as well as source code generation.

public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
        RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {

    // The variable element which annotated with @Pojo annotation.
    VariableElement varElement = null;

    // The @Pojo annotation element.
    AnnotationMirror annotationMirror = null;

    try {
        // This returns the variable element that annotated with @Pojo annotation.
        for (Element annotatedElement : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Pojo.class)) {
            varElement = (VariableElement) annotatedElement;

            // Getting all the annotation elements from the variable element.
            List<? extends AnnotationMirror> allAnnotationMirrors
                    = varElement.getAnnotationMirrors();
            for (AnnotationMirror aAnnotationMirror : allAnnotationMirrors) {

                // Make sure the annotation element is belong to Pojo annotation type.
                if (aAnnotationMirror.getAnnotationType().toString()
                        .equals(Pojo.class.getName())) {

                    // Found the @Pojo annotation element.
                    annotationMirror = aAnnotationMirror;

                    // Getting the annotation element values from the @Pojo annotation element.
                    Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> elementValues
                            = annotationMirror.getElementValues();
                    // Continue to get the annotation values. Refer to next section.


    } catch (ProcessingException e) {
        error(varElement, annotationMirror, e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        error(null, null, e.getMessage());

    return true;

Getting and validating the annotation values

After we have obtained the annotation element values, next is to extract the values from these elements. This could be fairly simple if the annotation element types are primitive types. But it become tricky when it involves Class type. For more detail, please read Annotation Processing: Getting Class annotation value.

In this example, I have implemented an annotation value visitor to help the PojoProcessor to extract the values.

class PojoAnnotationValueVisitor extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7<Void, String> {

    private final List<TypeName> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    private final List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<>();

    // Only need to override the visitArray() method because both 'fieldTypes' and
    // 'fieldNames' are array.
    public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, String elementName) {
        for (AnnotationValue val : vals) {
            Object value = val.getValue();
            switch (elementName) {
                case "fieldTypes":
                    fieldTypes.add(TypeName.get((TypeMirror) value));
                case "fieldNames":
                    fieldNames.add((String) value);

        return null;

    void validateValues() throws ProcessingException {
        if (fieldNames.size() != fieldTypes.size()) {
            throw new ProcessingException(
                    "The length of 'fieldNames' must be same as the length of 'fieldTypes'.");
        validateEmptyElement(fieldNames, "fieldNames");

    private void validateEmptyElement(List<String> elements, String name)
            throws ProcessingException {
        int i = 0;
        for (String fieldName : elements) {
            if (fieldName.trim().isEmpty()) {
                throw new ProcessingException(
                        "\"%s\" with element index \"%d\" must not be an empty String.", name, i);

    public List<TypeName> getFieldTypes() {
        return fieldTypes;

    public List<String> getFieldNames() {
        return fieldNames;

The PojoAnnotationValueVisitor class above extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7. The number "7" at the back indicating it complies with RELEASE_7 source version which is same as the @SupportedSourceVersion defined in the PojoProcessor.

This visitor also helps in validating the annotation values. It will throw checked ProcessingException (as below) if the annotation value is invalid. The validation shown in this visitor could be better but let's just live with the simple validation checking.

class ProcessingException extends Exception {

    public ProcessingException(String msg, Object... args) {
        super(String.format(msg, args));

Now, let's make use of the visitor in PojoProcessor.

public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
        RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {


    // Create a visitor instance.
    PojoAnnotationValueVisitor visitor = new PojoAnnotationValueVisitor();

    // Getting annotation element values from the @Pojo element.
    Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> elementValues
            = annotationMirror.getElementValues();
    for (Map.Entry<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> entry
    	: elementValues.entrySet()) {

        // The 'entry.getKey()' here is the annotation attribute name.
        String key = entry.getKey().getSimpleName().toString(); 

        // The 'entry.getValue()' here is the annotation value which could accept a visitor.
        entry.getValue().accept(visitor, key);

    visitor.validateValues(); // Throw ProcessingException if annotation value is invalid.


Generating new source code

Once we get the valid annotation values, next thing is to process those values and generate the new source file. Basically, Filer is able to open an OutputStream and we could just construct the new source code content in Strings and write them into this OutputStream. However, there is a more structural and organized approach to achieve the same thing by making use of third party JavaPoet. In this example, I have implemented a PojoSourceCodeBuilder to helps PojoProcessor to build the Java source content.

class PojoSourceCodeBuilder {
    private final Filer filer;
    private final String packageName;
    private final List<FieldSpec> fieldSpecs;
    private final List<MethodSpec> methodSpecs;
    public PojoSourceCodeBuilder(Filer filer, PackageElement pkgElement) {
        this.filer = filer;
        this.packageName = pkgElement.isUnnamed()
                ? null : pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString();
        this.fieldSpecs = new ArrayList<>();
        this.methodSpecs = new ArrayList<>();

    private void addGetterSetterMethods(String fieldName, TypeName fieldType) {
        String nameForGetterSetter
                = fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1);         

        /** Getter method spec. **/
        methodSpecs.add(MethodSpec.methodBuilder("get" + nameForGetterSetter)
                .addStatement("return " + fieldName)

        /** Setter method spec. **/
        methodSpecs.add(MethodSpec.methodBuilder("set" + nameForGetterSetter)
                .addParameter(fieldType, fieldName, Modifier.FINAL)
                .addStatement("this." + fieldName + " = " + fieldName)
    public PojoSourceCodeBuilder addFieldWithGetterSetter(String fieldName, TypeName fieldType) {
        fieldSpecs.add(FieldSpec.builder(fieldType, fieldName, Modifier.PRIVATE).build());
        addGetterSetterMethods(fieldName, fieldType);
        return this;
    public void writeToJavaFile(String className) throws IOException {
        TypeSpec typeSpec = TypeSpec.classBuilder(className).addFields(fieldSpecs)
        JavaFile.builder(packageName, typeSpec).build().writeTo(filer);

Now, let's make use of the source code builder in PojoProcessor.

public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
        RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {


    buildPojoClass(varElement, visitor);


private void buildPojoClass(
        VariableElement varElement, PojoAnnotationValueVisitor visitor)
        throws IOException {

    List<String> fieldNames = visitor.getFieldNames();
    List<TypeName> fieldTypes = visitor.getFieldTypes();

    PackageElement pkgElement = elementsUtil.getPackageOf(varElement.getEnclosingElement());

    // Create a source code builder instance.
    PojoSourceCodeBuilder sourceCodeBuilder = new PojoSourceCodeBuilder(filer, pkgElement);

    // Process the field names and types.
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldTypes.size(); i++) {
        TypeName fieldType = fieldTypes.get(i);
        String fieldName = fieldNames.get(i);

        sourceCodeBuilder.addFieldWithGetterSetter(fieldName, fieldType);

    // Write to the new Java source file.

Great! We are all set now. Build the projects in the following sequence.
  1. Annotation
  2. Annotation Processor
  3. Application
Previously, without the annotation processor, building the Application project will get "cannot find symbol" compile error at the line where Game type is used. Now, building the Application project with the annotation processor is succesful and the Game source file is automatically generated.

public class Game {

    private String name;

    private Double price;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(final String name) { = name;

    public Double getPrice() {
        return price;

    public void setPrice(final Double price) {
        this.price = price;

Processing round

The same process() method could be called more than 1 time. The official javadoc define processing like as follows:

Annotation processing happens in a sequence of rounds. On each round, a processor may be asked to process a subset of the annotations found on the source and class files produced by a prior round. The inputs to the first round of processing are the initial inputs to a run of the tool; these initial inputs can be regarded as the output of a virtual zeroth round of processing.

To stick with our Pojo example, in the situation where the newly generated source code also has a field that annotated with @Pojo, the PojoProcessor will have to process another round for this newly added @Pojo annotated field (originating from the prior round of processing) in the new source file.

Round Input Output
1 Application Game
2 Game Category
3 Category N/A
4 N/A N/A

In order to demonstrate this, let's enhance the Pojo annotation type to accepts an array of String which representing the new field(s) to be annotated with @Pojo annotation.

Annotation type

public @interface Pojo {
     * The string element in this array is representing a new field which its type
     * is same as its name and it is annotated with @Pojo annotation.
    String[] fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo() default {};

Add the new annotation attribute in Application class.


public class Application {
        fieldNames = {"name", "price"}, 
        fieldTypes = {String.class, Double.class},
        fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo = {"Category"} // new annotation attribute
    private Game game;


For the annotation processor, there are a few places need to be enhanced.


class PojoAnnotationValueVisitor extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7<Void, String> {

    private final List<String> fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo = new ArrayList<>();

    public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, String elementName) {
        for (AnnotationValue val : vals) {
            Object value = val.getValue();
            switch (elementName) {
                case "fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo": // To extract 'fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo' value.
                    fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo.add((String) value);
        return null;

    void validateValues() throws ProcessingException {
        // Validate 'fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo' value.
        validateEmptyElement(fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo, "pojoAnnotatedFields");


    // Return 'fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo' value.
    public List<String> getFieldsAnnotatedWithPojo() {
        return fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo;


class PojoSourceCodeBuilder {
    // To add annotated field with getter and setter method.
    public PojoSourceCodeBuilder addAnnotatedFieldWithGetterSetter(
            String fieldName, TypeName fieldType, Class annotationClass) {
        fieldSpecs.add(FieldSpec.builder(fieldType, fieldName, Modifier.PRIVATE)
        addGetterSetterMethods(fieldName, fieldType);
        return this;
    public String getPackageName() {
        return packageName;


public class PojoProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {


    private void buildPojoClass(
            VariableElement varElement, PojoAnnotationValueVisitor visitor)
            throws IOException {


        // Process fields that to be annotated with Pojo annotation.
        for (String aFieldAnnotatedWithPojo : fieldsAnnotatedWithPojo) {
            String fieldAnnotatedWithPojo = aFieldAnnotatedWithPojo;
            String pojoAnnotatedFieldName = fieldAnnotatedWithPojo.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                    + fieldAnnotatedWithPojo.substring(1);
            ClassName fieldType = ClassName.get(sourceCodeBuilder.getPackageName(), pojoAnnotatedFieldName);

                    .addAnnotatedFieldWithGetterSetter(fieldAnnotatedWithPojo, fieldType, Pojo.class);


Now, build the projects in the same sequence and the following source files are generated automatically.

public class Game {


    private Category Category;


    public Category getCategory() {
        return Category;

    public void setCategory(final Category Category) {
        this.Category = Category;

public class Category {

The key point about round processing is that the annotation processor must gracefully handle an empty set of annotations. For instance, if we have the PojoAnnotationValueVisitor as instance variable in PojoProcessor as instance variable in PojoProcessor, in the second round of processing, the visitor will return the values of prior processing which could mess up the whole processing. Therefore, make sure our implementation to provide a clean state for every new round of processing.


This is a long post mainly focus on code generation. However, I recommend you to read my other annotation processing posts to know more in detail in specific area. You can get the entire example projects in this post from GitHub.
